Antares usage statistics
As some of you may wonder whether anybody else is using Antares, I’ve decided to disclose the current usage statistics.
Whenever Antares is started on your PC, it makes a call to our usage statistics server located in the cloud. This service is completely anonymous - all it receives from your installation is a UUID Antares has created when it was first started.
During the last 30 days, 444 unique users have been using Antares, 295 of them were using Antares for the first time. 108 users are frequent user, meaning that they have been using Antares within the last 2 weeks and at least once in the time before these 2 weeks.
The average rating users have given is 4.3 out of 5. We’ve received 48 ratings so far. The things these users have said they like the most about Antares were “Easy to use (12)”, followed by “Large potential (8)”, “Looks good (7)” and “Rich feature set (7)”. The things they liked the least were “Other (11)” followed by “Missing features (9)”, “Difficult to use (7)”, “Not enough documentation (6)” and “Many bugs (6)”.
We hope that these information show you that your are not the only one who is using Antares. Still, if you have any ideas for how the Antares project can even gain more attention, please let us know by opening a discussion issue in GitHub or by sending a mail to the address given at the bottom of the home page.