The OR gate outputs the result of the OR function of the 1-bit signals at the input. The output only has the value 1 if at least one of the inputs has the value 1.
0 | 1 | Z | X | |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
X |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
X |
Z |
0 |
1 |
0 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
(Z: Undefined/High impedance, X: Error)
The behaviour for unconnected inputs or input wires carrying an undefined signal can be changed using the system preference "Open Gate Input Behaviour".
The multi-bit version of the OR gate will perform its one-bit transformation bitwise on its inputs.
The logical gates of Antares can illustrate their function with so-called "mnemonics". See the chapter Descriptions and explanations. The mnemonic of the OR gate is shown below.
- Inputs
The n-bit inputs of the OR gate. Their number is determined by the property "Number of inputs".
- Output
The n-bit output of the OR gate. Outputs the value of the calculated OR function.
- Orientation
The direction in which the output points.
- Number of inputs
Determines how many inputs the OR gate has. There are 2 to max. 8 inputs available. Can even be changed if the gate is already connected to wires.
- Bit width
The number of bits of every input pin and the output pin.
- Negate input n
When selected, the n-th input pin is negated. The maximum of "n" is determined by property "Number of inputs". Negation is also applied to the truth table and the mnemonics displayed for the gate.
- Output Name
The optional name displayed next to the output. This can be useful when the OR gate forms the end of a complex combinatorial circuit and the logical expression produced by the OR gate should be specified.