Use menu File  Preferences…​ (or Antares  Preferences…​ on macOS) to display the preferences window.

Select an entry of the tree in window’s left part to display the preferences of a particular section. Once you’ve changed any of the preferences values, press button Apply to apply your changes to Antares. If you press Close without applying your changes, they wont become effective.

Some of the preferences can’t be made effective without restarting the application. Antares will show a dialog if that’s the case.



The language in which texts of the user interface are displayed. Currently only English and German supported.

Log Level

Determines the amount of log file output being produced. "Error" produces the least amount of log output, while "Trace" produces a lot of output and should normally only be used by developers.

Show tips for beginners

If this option is enabled, Antares shows certain tooltips that should help beginners to familiarize with Antares' functionality. More experienced users can disable this option.

Show unexpected errors

If this option is enabled, Antares shows an error dialog whenever an unexpected situation in the code arises. You can help supporting the project by following the description shown in the dialog to report this situation to the development team.

Data location

Only relevant for the upcoming web version of Antares. Determines where Antares stores a user’s projects and libraries.

Server URL

Only relevant for the upcoming web version of Antares. Specifies the base URL of the Antares REST API.


Main Font

The font to be used for the UI elements. In the current version, circuit content still uses specific fonts which might differ from the UI font.


The theme used for rendering the entire UI. The most important ones are "Winter", the standard light theme with white and blue coloring, and "Darcula", a dark theme.


If this option is enabled, circuit components like gates or switches are displayed with a drop shadow.

Shadow distance

The number of pixels the shadow is placed apart from the origin component. Only effective if "Shadow" is enabled.

Fill basic components

If enabled, basic components like gates or switches are filled with the theme’s default color for filling content. Because sub circuit symbols are always filled, this option can help to visually distinguish between basic, built in components and subcircuit symbols. However, some basic components like LEDs are also always filled due to their nature.


Zoom step

The increment or decrement of the zoom factor when using View  Zoom In or View  Zoom Out.

Zoom step (mousse wheel)

The increment or decrement of the zoom factor when zooming with the mouse wheel.

Pan step (mouse)

The amount of view displacement when panning with the mouse (drag with left mouse button pressed)

Default zoom factor

The zoom factor applied when executing action View  Zoom Normal.

Minimum zoom factor

The minimum zoom factor.

Maximum zoom factor

The maximum zoom factor.

Tooltip delay (ms)

The time in milliseconds Antares waits before displaying a tooltip after the mouse stopped moving over a component.

Pan method

The method to use to pan the view.

Zoom factor in symbol editor

The initial zoom factor used when switching to the symbol editor.


Use animation when immerging into subcircuits

If set, Antares plays an animation when you double click on a subcircuit symbol to immerge into it’s inner circuit.

Switch mode using zoom factor

If set, you can switch between the the circuit editor and the symbol editor by zooming out and zooming in with large factors.


Max. number of collected issues

The maximum number of issues collected during a simulation run and displayed in the "Issues" tab.

Slow-down factor of simulation speed

Determines how much the simulation speed is slowed down when dragging the simulation speed slider more to the left side. Larger values result in slower simulation speeds. The default is 4. The minimum value is 0.0001.

Allowed net contention duration (ns)

The time in nanoseconds during which net contention (i.e. conflicting signals on a net) are allowed without generating a simulation issue. The default is 20.


Grid distance

The distance between grid snap points in model coordinate space. The default is 7. This value should normally not be changed, because the geometry of many components is aligned with this value, such as the distance between logic gate pins.

Grid dot step

The number of "Grid distance" units between two grid dots (or grid lines, depending on "Grid rendering"). The default value is 2, which results in a distance of 14 between two grid dots if "Grid Distance" is 7.

Minimum grid dot distance

The minimum distance between two grid dots (or grid lines, depending on "Grid rendering") in view coordinate space. Below this value, the grid is not drawn any more, which avoids drawing grid that are too dense and therefore useless.

Grid rendering

The way the editor grid is drawn.

  • Lines: A vertical and horizontal line is drawn at every grid location

  • Dots: A dot is drawn at every grid location

Number of undo per Snapshot

The undo system uses snapshots (copies of the circuit) from which recorded actions are replayed when the user requests undoing or redoing them. This value determines how many actions are recorded before a new snapshot is created. Smaller values result in better performance, but more memory consumption, larger values may lead to worse performance. The default value is 10.

Selection box scope

Determines how components are selected with the selection box. Pressing ALT while dragging the selection box temporarily switches between the two modes.

  • Completely contained: Selects only components that are completely contained in the selection box.

  • Partially contained: Selects also components that are only partially contained in the selection box.

Save history

If enabled, Antares saves a copy of the previous version whenever a circuit is saved, which allows you to view the save history using Popup  Show History.. and to restore old versions of a circuit.


Max. number of signal values

The maximum number of signal values a row in the oscilloscope can store and display. If more signals arrive, the oldest ones are deleted.

Individual probe colors

If set, the rows of an oscilloscope and their corresponding probe components are drawn in different, system defined colors.

Fill signal curve

If set, signal curves in oscilloscope rows are filled with a fill color.



Symbol style

The style in which symbols (primarily gates, but also others like resistors) are drawn. Choose between "ANSI/IEEE" (rounded symbols), "IEC" (rectangular symbols), and "Verbose" (rectangular with verbose label) style.

Style of generated symbols

Determines whether and how Antares automatically generates symbols for your custom circuit.

  • None (deactivated): Antares doesn’t generate symbols. You will have to draw them on your own using the symbol editor.

  • Narrow: Antares generates narrow symbols that contain an abbreviation of the circuit name as label, as well as input and output pins.

  • Wide: Antares generates wide symbols that contain the entire circuit name as label, as well as input and output pins.

Transistor with circle

If set, transistors are drawn with a circle around the three pins.

Transistor port names: If set, transistor ports display a pin name, such as "G" for "Gate".


Default propagation delay (ns)

The default propagation delay (in nanoseconds) of logic gates (and some other components). Only applied for new components added to circuits.

Undefined gate input behaviour

Determines how Antares behaves if gates have undefined signals at their input pins during simulation.

  • Read as 0: Undefined signals are treated as if they were 0 (zero)

  • Read as 1: Undefined signals are treated as if they were 1

  • Read as random value: Undefined signal are randomly read as either 0 or 1.

Data flow display in AND gates

If set, the "Data Path" feature for AND gates is generally enabled. Disable this option if you don’t like that feature.

Light color

The default light color of light-emitting components like LEDs. Applied when such components are added to a circuit.

Signal notation

Determines how signals are annotated to distinguish between different signal representations like "Binary" or "Hexadecimal".

  • Prefix: Annotated with a prefix, e.g. "0x10" for hexadecimal 16.

  • Subscript: Annotated with a subscript, e.g. "10₁₆"

  • Suffix: Annotated with a suffix, e.g. "10h"

  • Suffix (Uppercase): Annotated with an uppercase suffix, e.g. "11H"

Tunnel symbol

Determines the style in which "Tunnel symbols" are drawn.

Transistor symbol

Determines the style in which "Transistor symbols" are drawn.

Wide bus stroke

If set, wires with a bit width larger than 1 are drawn with a wider stroke.

Switch propagation delay (ns)

The propagation delay in nanoseconds used for switch-like components like switch or DIP switch as default propagation delay. Default value is 1'000.



The default notation for boolean expression used when Antares generates them.

Omit AND for single character variable names

If set, Antares omits "AND" operators when generating terms in boolean expressions whose variable names consist only of a single character, as in AB or CD.

Put AND terms in parenthesis

If set, Antares puts AND terms in generated boolean expressions in parenthesis, as in (AB) or (CD) to explicitly denote operator precedence.


Current speed

The speed of current flow animation in analog circuits. Supported values range from 1 (slow) to 10 (fast).